You will then be given a local URL you can visit in your web browser. python -config configs/ Run the command to launch the HuggingGPT local webserver using gradio. conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidiaīash # required when `inference_mode` is `local` or `hybrid`.ġ0. Create and activate a jarvis conda environment. Navigate back to the JARVIS/server directory.ħ. If it is not in your path, try rebooting.Ħ. After you have installed Miniconda, close and reopen all terminal windows so that the command conda will now be in your file path.
You'll be prompted to agree to a license agreement and confirm the install location. After downloading the installer, you install it by going to the Downloads folder and entering bash followed by the install script name. You'll need to download the latest version from the Miniconda site. Install Miniconda if you don't have it installed already.